Our Approach

Welcome to Etive House Care Home, a place that’s proud to be called home to 62 residents located along the west coast of Scotland. To be more precise, Etive House Care Home is nestled in the beautiful village of Benderloch, which is home to Barcaldine Castle and the Scottish Sea Life & Marine Sanctuary. 

The home is in such an idyllic spot, both being tucked away from the hustle and bustle of day-to-day life, while also having some truly fantastic local links which are sure to provide endless delight for both our residents and their loved ones. You can rest assured that our dedicated teams of talented individuals work around the clock to provide the best possible care to each of our residents and to ensure that all of our residents have access to exactly what they need to live their lives to the fullest. At Etive House Care Home, nothing fills us with greater joy than seeing our residents at their happiest, and when they decide to reside with us Etive House Care Home, we’ll always be more than thrilled to welcome them with open arms.

Moving Into a House That Feels Like Home

Etive House Care Home has a mission, and it is to provide the highest quality of life for our residents. Our warm and homely environment provides comfortable and cosy accommodation that’s difficult to beat, as well as five-star facilities that enable our residents to thrive. Thanks to the daily activities on offer and in-house amenities, residents have everything they need to live a rich and fulfilling life. Residents can enjoy socialising with one another and learning new things, as well as being given the opportunity to indulge in a fantastic lifestyle each day. An easy-going and varied lifestyle awaits at Etive House Care Home, where the daily stresses of life are easily taken care of.

Specially Selected Care For Our Residents by Trustworthy Professionals

Our staff always go above and beyond to provide exceptional care to all of our residents here at Etive House Care Home. Our qualified team takes a huge amount of pride in delivering care that respects our resident’s privacy and dignity. The high-quality care we provide will cater to both health and well-being needs as we believe looking after the individual as a whole is vital to ensuring the best care. By working with prospective residents, we can customise individual care plans which can be altered if and when necessary. All types of care take place in a welcoming environment and relaxing setting, designed to make everyone feel at home in their environment.