Exploring Poppies Cafe: A Day Out with Stunning Views for Etive House Care Home Residents

Residents here at Etive House Care Home recently visited Poppies Cafe, where our residents had a lovely day out and gorgeous views over the mouth of Loch Etive and Dunstaffnage Castle, which was built before 1240, by Duncan MacDougall, son of Dubhgall, Lord of Lorn.

Poppies is one of these hard to find places, however it is worth finding! Poppies Cafe is situated at Saulmore Shore, you'll find a nursery of plants and flowers, gift shops and a friendly little coffee shop which sells soup, home baking and delicious seafood. If you choose to sit outside in the warmer months, you will see outstanding views of Dunstaffnage Castle across the Firth of Lorne.
Not only was this a wholesome day out for our residents, the cafe also supports local bird wildlife with numerous bird feeders where individuals can enjoy bird watching the many different local species.
Days out like this are essential for our residents, not only do they get to socialise within their local community, getting them out and about, meeting more people and seeing the stunning scenes can be really beneficial for their mental health and wellbeing; something we're really passionate about here at Etive House Care Home in Benderloch.
All of our residents communicated their gratitude for a lovely day out, appreciating what the local town has to offer and we can't wait for more opportunities to continue.
What a great way to start 2024 for our residents. If you would like to find out more about our days out within Etive House Care Home, how we can meet your care requirements and support you or your loved ones, please don't hesitate to get in touch with our friendly team of professionals, we can talk you through everything as well as our activities programme.